Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 6871166377
Passcode: None
Meeting Materials:
Presentations: Nils Nichols and Elisabeth Blaug; Keith Bergthold
Recommended Reading:
Americans for a Clean Energy Grid, Recommended Siting Practices for Electric Transmission Developers
DOE Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy, Siting Workshop Series #2: Challenges and Opportunities for Community Engagement. In particular, see presentations by local government officials who oversaw a clean energy project application in their community (at 16”- 54”).
Sabin Center for Climate Change Law. Expert Insights on Best Practices for Community Benefits Agreements.
Udall Foundation, Principles for Effective Stakeholder Engagement in Infrastructure Permitting and Review Processes.
World Resources Institute, US Clean Energy Projects Need Public Buy-in. Community Benefits Agreements Can Help.